If a person has the concept of a topic, but no reference for the idea; they are a topical zombie.
Having what can be distributed is – definitionally and factually – “socially normal”; anything less is propaganda.
Be careful what you wish for.
We are entering into a world of corporate tribalism, and it can only be fought by rejecting fears we have of others.
When we find ourselves in the role of “leader”, how do we justify our control over others?
In a conflict free society, power structures are unneeded. By contrast, the more conflict that exists, the more a monopoly of force is required to keep the peace. Why then would authoritarians promote cooperation instead of cooperation then?
Our best future is obtained when we promote each other in spite of what is appropriate.
People create a baseline according to what they can assume. Put differently, if one never questions whether something will change, it becomes synonymous with reality itself.