Intelligence within an insulated environment can never make up for experience.
To declare our creation complete is to condemn ourselves to be Prisoners and kill the Philosophers that challenge our reality.
No axiomatic system is both complete or consistent. This has some major repercussions on governance.
We should have seen this coming. [We can prevent things like this in the future.] Let us learn from the family Rusk and try to be better.
Regardless of what is “true”, finding the situation in which the least people suffer is the optimal decision.
The most tragic prisoner is the one that believes his cage is the universe. This is especially tragic when we realize that most cages are used for protection from what is outside.
If there is no common ground to be found within a discussion, you may as well be screaming into the void.
“All deserve to explore
What might give them purpose”
In the end, the further the contrast is explored, the more we can see ourselves in others. The more we can find our common ground.
Atrocities can always reoccur with “justification” everywhere people are intentionally or limited to being colorblind.